Commercial interior design transforms Surfcoast studio apartments

October 20, 2019

The Premium Interior Design team were excited to carry out a transformative commercial interior design project in Lorne, Surfcoast recently. The brief we were given was to give the exterior colour palette of this motel a makeover lifting the overall appeal from the exterior.

When we first walked onsite the exterior of the building was very dark. My focus was to create a really inviting motel for guests to stay and to give the motel a beachy coastal vibe that stands out as a place to stay.

We worked with the painter to complete a full exterior makeover and focused on getting the right colour to suit the environment but to also last the test of time. A full landscaping design was created working with the landscape gardener on the overall design of the fencing, shower area, outdoor entertaining bar space for guests when they first arrive and we worked on creating ambiance with exterior lighting especially. Lighting is key to bringing the garden, exterior colour scheme together and creating an inviting building when the guests arrive especially at night.

We can’t wait to see what Kate at DandCo has designed for new signage, very exciting… this space.

It has been a collaborative approach on this project bringing everybody together. Firstly we created the initial concept to our client then turned this into reality bringing the motel to life and making this property shine in Lorne, watch this space in 2020 where the property will undergo a full renovation throughout.

If you have a business that needs a revamp and your struggling with knowing what to do next we can assist with bringing your vision to life and creating a successful business that gives you growth year in year out.

Why wait? do it now!